
ElectrocenterDue is fully aligned with national and international quality management systems, systems that guide and subsequently control any organization in terms of quality of services and products offered to its customers.

The certifications obtained by ElectrocenterDUE have brought many benefits, both to us and to our customers. They have improved by over 50% the delivery time to customers, they have reduced by over 40% the production or execution time, giving us national and international recognition.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001: International reference standard for quality management systems. It is preferred by over 1,000,000 companies in over 160 countries. This standard ensures the improvement of the quality of products, processes and services, increasing the level of customer satisfaction. At the same time, it provides clear proof of our commitment to quality.

ISO 14001:2005

ISO 14001: The international standard related to environmental management, helping companies to control environmental impact and provides them with a necessary framework to constantly improve performance in this area.
This standard reduces costs related to waste management and distribution, reduces energy and materials consumption and improves the image of company!
We care about the environment and want to contribute to ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come!

OHSAS 18001:2008

OHSAS 18001: The International Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard, providing those measures necessary to control risks in the field of health and safety at work and to improve performance in this field.
This standard promotes a healthy and safe environment for employees, increasing their performance and ensuring their reduction and prevention of work accidents, as well as accidents followed by loss of life, loss of resources and time consumption.

Atestat ANRE nr. 7363

ANRE no. 7363 Accreditation: a certificate of competence in the field of design and execution of interior electrical installations for civil and industrial constructions, overhead and underground connections, at rated voltage of 0.4 kV
This document confirms to the beneficiary that the execution and verification of earth plugs, automation and electrical drives, repair and maintenance of electrical installations, checks of electrical installations, were made according to the norms in the field, in force at that time.

Atestat ANRE nr. 7923

What is the certificate no. 7923?

A certificate of competence in the field of execution of overhead or underground electricity lines with rated voltages between 0,4 kV and 20 kV and transformer substations with a higher rated voltage of not more than 20 kV

Operating license issued by IPG

Operating license issued by IPG: this license represents the authorization issued by the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police for carrying out design, installation, modification or maintenance activities of burglar alarm components or systems.

Operating permit issued by IGSU

Operating permit issued by IGSU: is the authorization issued by the Romanian General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations for carrying out installation and maintenance works of signalling, alarm and alert systems and installations in case of fire.